Temperature/Pressure Chart
Temp F° R-12 R-134a HOT SHOT MP-39 MP-66 FX-56 FRIGC* GHG-X4* R-406a

18.8 20.011.2 18.4

-40 11.0
7.7 15.3

7.0 12.9
17.2 18.48.8 16.87.0 17.0
-35 8.4
4.7 13.2

3.8 10.2
15.2 16.86.0 14.85.8 15.0
-30 5.59.9
1.4 10.7

0.3 7.30.2 9.913.2 14.83.8 12.83.2 12.8
-25 2.36.9
1.1 8.1

1.8 4.21.8 7.010.8 12.8.4 10.41.9 10.4
-20 .63.7
3.1 5.1
~ 3.03.9 0.63.9 3.88.0 10.42.4 7.62.3 7.6
-15 2.5.6
4.9 2.0
~ 1.06.2 1.66.2 0.35.2 7.64.5 4.44.4 4.6
-10 4.51.9
7.6 0.8
~ 3.08.7 3.88.7 1.72.0 4.46.8 1.26.7 1.4
-5 6.84.0
10.2 2.7
~ 5.011.5 6.111.4 3.80.9 1.29.3 1.29.2 1.5
0 8.26.5
13.0 4.9
~ 714.5 8.714.4 6.12.9 1.212.0 3.211.9 3.5
5 11.99.1
16.1 7.3
~ 917.8 11.517.6 18.65.1 3.215.0 4.514.9 5.8
10 14.611.9
19.5 9.9
~ 12.521.3 14.521.1 11.47.4 5.418.2 7.818.1 8.2
15 17.715.0
23.1 12.7
~ 15.525.1 17.824.9 14.410.0 7.821.7 10.521.5 10.8
20 21.018.4
26.9 15.8
~ 19.029.3 21.429.0 17.612.9 10.425.4 13.325.3 13.7
25 24.622.1
31.1 19.1
~ 23.033.7 25.333.4 21.216.0 13.229.5 16.529.3 16.8
30 28.526.1
35.6 23.1
36.0 27.038.4 29.538.1 25.019.3 16.333.8 19.833.6 20.2
35 32.630.4
40.5 26.7
41.0 31.043.5 34.143.2 29.222.9 19.738.5 23.538.2 23.9
40 37.034.1
45.6 30.9
45.0 36.049.1 39.048.6 33.626.8 23.343.5 27.543.2 27.8
45 41.740.1
51.2 35.5
52.0 40.055.0 44.354.4 38.531.0 27.248.8 31.748.5 32.1
50 46.745.5
57.0 40.3
58.0 46.061.2 49.960.6 43.635.6 31.554.5 36.354.2 38.7
55 52.051.3
63.3 45.5
64 ~67.9 56.067.2 49.240.4 36.060.5 41.360.2 41.6
60 57.757.5
70.0 51.2
71.0 ~75.0 62.574.2 55.245.6 40.967.0 45.566.6 46.9
65 63.864.1
77.8 57.2
78 ~82.7 69.481.7 61.551.2 46.173.9 52.273.4 52.5
70 70.271.2
84.6 63.6
86 ~90.7 76.889.6 68.457.2 51.781.2 58.380.6 58.6
75 77.078.8
92.7 70.5
93 ~99.3 84.798.0 75.663.5 57.788.9 64.788.3 65.0
80 84.286.8
101.1 77.8
103 ~108.3 93.1106.9 83.470.3 64.197.1 71.696.4 71.8
85 91.895.4
110.0 85.6
111 ~117.9 102.0116.4 91.677.5 70.9105.7 79.0105.0 79.2
90 99.8104.4
119.5 93.8
122 ~128.1 111.4126.3 100.485.2 78.1114.8 86.8114.1 86.9
95 108.3114.1
129.4 102.5
132 ~138.8 121.4136.8 109.793.3 85.8124.5 95.1123.6 95.2
100 117.2124.3
139.9 111.8
142 ~150.1 132.0147.8 119.6101.9 94.0134.6 103.9133.7 103.9
105 126.6135.1
150.9 121.6
155 ~162.0 143.3159.4 130.1111.1 102.7145.3 113.2144.3 113.1
110 136.4146.5
162.5 132.0
165 ~174.5 155.1171.6 141.1120.7 111.9156.5 123.0155.4 122.9
115 145.8158.6
174.6 142.9
178 ~187.7 167.7184.4 152.8130.9 121.6168.3 133.5167.1 133.3
120 157.7171.3
187.4 154.5
193 ~210.5 180.9197.9 165.2141.6 131.9180.6 144.5179.3 144.2
125 169.1184.7
200.7 166.7
205 ~216.0 195.8212.0 178.2152.9 142.7193.6 156.1192.2 155.7
130 181.0196.9
214.7 179.5
220 ~231.3 209.5226.7 192.0164.8 154.1207.1 168.3205.6 167.9
135 193.5214.8

238 ~

242.2 206.5177.3 166.1221.3 181.2219.3 180.7
140 206.6229.4

250 ~

258.3 221.7190.4 178.8236.1 194.8234.4 194.1

271 ~

204.2 192.1251.5 209.1


289 ~

218.7 206.1267.7 224.1

*Computer simulation per manufacturer's published component percentages
Italicized amounts = Inches of mercury below one atmosphere
BP=Boiling point, DP=Dew point
Pressure = PSIG
Not enough information available on Freezone, ES12R, OZ-12 or ADAK-12
to compute temperature/pressure relationships.

Note: As of October, 16 1996, some refrigerants listed were not legal
for automotive use. Always check legality of a certain refrigerant before its use.
This can be done by calling the

(800) 296-1996

Disclaimer: Some pressures were derived from unpublished sources. Errors can occur.
Thus, this chart is provided for informational purposes only
and should not be relied upon as completely accurate.
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The Automotive Air Conditioning Information Server

5542 Hickorywood Dr.
Speedway, IN 46224
Data reprinted with permission from ICOR International, Inc.
© 1997 ICOR International, Inc.